Gocar WebApp:Streamline Car Rental Management

Gocar WebApp is software that allows the management of all the tasks carried out in a car rental company, from reservation to invoicing as well as fleet management.
The application is multi workstation and multi-user. When the program is running, each user can access it by entering the user code and the password
pass to access the menu items to which he is entitled.
If the user types in their information correctly, another form opens with information about the state of the fleet.
Thus the user can consult the different menu items to which he is entitled,

Alerts and notifications

This part deals with all the states representing the list of cars:
In circulation, that is to say any vehicle rented and its rental contract has not yet been returned to the company.
Available for rental, in other words any vehicle that can be rented at any time.
In return, that is to say the rental date has expired.
Not available for rental, that is to say any vehicle in the garage and cannot be rented.
Need to change oil.

Need tire change, this list is obtained against a preset counter.
Need the technical visit, this list is obtained from the expiration date of the technical visit validity.
In need of insurance renewal this list is obtained in relation to the expiration date of the validity of the insurance.
In status avian exams are accessible via the exam menu, at any time the user can come back and modify the results.


Includes all the basics namely



Useful in case of multi-company work and includes the basic information of each: the code; the name ; responsible; address ; phone ; fax; E-mail, in add, modification, consultation, deletion and lists mode.


Useful when working in multiple agencies and includes the basic information of each: the code; the name ; responsible; address ; phone ; fax; E-mail, in add, modification, consultation, deletion and lists mode.


The vehicle file is in fact a detailed file which includes all the information concerning vehicles with all the details: make, category, model, photos, etc.



Includes all the information specific to each customer: code, name, address, telephone, E-mail, tax number… in different modes (addition, modification, deletion, consultation, list).
The invoicing file makes it possible to invoice the different types of contracts (rental, excursion, transfer and provision) by applying the prices indicated in the price file as well as to list the different

Expenses & Reservation

It includes the different types of reservations and in different modes, as well as the status of reservations (reservations canceled, confirmed, no show, etc.).
Each reservation includes information about the customer, the rental period, the brands to be rented, the customers who will use the vehicles as well as the availability of the vehicles for each brand by displaying explanatory lists.


Includes a detailed description of the contract indicated as well as the statistics specific to this contract.
Allows you to update vehicle insurance, it affects the various information concerning the vehicle (meter, agency, vehicle charges, etc.) and affects data concerning



The application keeps the history of movements made in the event of a vehicle sale, which can be modified, deleted or viewed. (This last remark concerns all update sections).



The contract file includes all the data specific to the vehicles for hire (the technical sheet as well as other information) and all the data specific to the reservation (if applicable) indicated in the file.
It should be noted that during contracts, whether for exit or return, there is an automatic update of data specific to the vehicle such as the rental status (in circulation, at rest, available, etc.), the counter, the fuel level,…. And its data appears in the vehicle file.



The user file allows the management of the users of the application by indicating the basic information such as the code, the name, the password, … in different modes (addition, modification, deletion, consultation and list) as well as the management access rights by indicating for each user the different menu items that he has the right to assign them.

Settlement of payments made by customers of invoices published in the invoicing file, it includes the following elements:

Payment of invoices:

They include the list of unclosed invoices for the customer, they allow to indicate new payments.



Includes the list of invoices and payments made on invoices by the customer during the period indicated.
Detailed extract:
Includes the list of invoices and details of payments made on invoices by the customer during the period indicated.
List of regulations and list of regulations by client:
Includes the list of payments made as well as the totals by average payment.

Car sale


This part of the application allows the management of sales operations, profitability and the fleet.
It includes the possibility of transferring a vehicle at the end of circulation to the sales department. You can access the list of these by choosing the first section.


See Galery here

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